What are the Benefits of Kobido Massage on Facial Aging ? Sonia Pétré Kobido Specialist - Bordeaux - France
The Benefits of Kobido Massage on Facial Aging
Publiée le jeudi 10 août 2023 à 18h42
Sonia PÉTRÉ - Kobido Specialist – France - Bordeaux (33)
What are the Benefits of Kobido Massage on Facial Aging ?
The benefits of Kobido on facial aging are multiple, real youth care, the Kobido Facial Massage also called Natural Facelift or Japanese Lift, considers all the structures of our face (bones, muscles, fats, fascia, skin) which makes it a real anti-aging care, which can act in the repair followed by maintenance, as well as in prevention.
Over time our cell renewal slows down, which leads to a loss of volume and density at all levels (bones, muscles, fats, skin)
What is the impact of aging facial muscles ?
The loss of muscle fibers will lead to a lack of tone of the face by dragging it down, with a ptosis of superficial fat.
When we are young, the connections between the brain and the muscles are normal, so that the muscles solicited by our expressions return to their original place quickly, but over the years the connections are lost, and the muscles remain more and more contracted in the shape of our mimicry, wrinkling lengthwise of their fibers.
The skin having lost its elasticity and density over time, it results in breaks causing the appearance of wrinkles as and when these repeated mimicry, the contractions of the facial muscles prevents the blood vessels from being irrigated normally, which gives a dull face lacking oxygenation.
What are the benefits of Kobido Massage on the aging of facial muscles?
Over the sessions, the Kobido will relax the tense muscles responsible for expression lines, thus recreating connections between the brain and the muscles so that the effect remains prolonged, the relaxation of the facial muscles will act as a natural facelift, smoothing the skin which is itself attached to the muscles, by optical effect wrinkles and hollows of the face will be flattened so less visible, the Kobido will also put the mucles back in tension with the creation of new muscle fibers, thus forming a better support for the preservation of fat cells.
What is the impact of facial fat loss and ptosis ?
In the face, there are different compartments of fat cells, with deep fat and superficial fat, forming small fatty sacs located in the hypodermis, it is found mainly in the cheeks, cheekbones, temples, and very little in the forehead.
Ex : The melting of cheek fat leads to a loss of the curve of the oval and the appearance of lower cheeks.
The superficial fat of the cheekbones will undergo a ptosis and come to place at the level of the nasolabial fold, accentuating the wrinkle of the furrow by forming a small hem.
The disappearance of fat in general, will let appear shadows on the face giving it a sad look, because it is it who brings convexity and bouncy to a face that attracts all the light.
What are the Benefits of Kobido Massage on the loss of facial fat?
As we explained just above, the Kobido will preserve the fat cells by forming a support, so it will act in prevention, thus preserving the contours of a well-bounced face that attracts all the light towards it.
What is the impact of skin aging ?
From the age of 25 we lose 1% of collagen and elastin per year, in fact, the slowing down of cell renewal will reduce the production of fibroblasts, fibers responsible for the formation of elastin and collagen, resulting in a refined skin lacking elasticity and more vulnerable to facial expressions and expressions, the lack of collagen will reduce skin hydration, this is one of the reasons why the skin becomes dry after menopause, because at this stage of life collagen is only 30%.
What are the benefits of Kobido on skin aging ?
Thanks to its effect on cell access, Kobido will allow cells to create more fibroblasts (fibers responsible for the creation of collagen and elastin) making the skin more hydrated, denser, therefore stronger against mimicry, the addition of fibroblasts will also bring more light, so Kobido will act in prevention as well as in repair.
What is the impact of facial bone resorption ?
Just as the skin is renewed thanks to the production of fibroblasts, the bone fibers are renewed thanks to the production of osteoblasts, when we have a shock those are the osteoclasts that intervene to nibble the residues so as to leave room for reconstruction, at the beginning of our life the production of osteoblasts is higher than the production of osteoclasts, but as bone cell renewal ages, osteoblasts and osteoclasts are at the same level. In some cases of advanced age, osteoblasts are less numerous than osteoclasts, and bones rebuild more slowly allowing pathologies such as osteoporosis to arrive, with osteoclasts that only nibble away at the residues due to crumbling, resulting in a loss of bone density and a considerably weakened structure.
The bone cell slowdown, leads to a collapse of the zygomatic arch (cheekbone), the piriformis fossa, which is at the junction between the upper jaw and the zygomatic arch (outer corner of the cheekbone) loses density, and it is the appearance of the wrinkle of the nasolabial fold.
On the other hand, the mandible that structures the oval of the face also loses definition because of this resorption.
What are the benefits of Kobido Massage on bone resorption?
Thanks to its effect on cellular access, Kobido will allow cells to create more osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone production) thus preserving the deep structures of our face, so it will act in prevention as well as in repair.
How does Kobido Massage work in repair and prevention?
The Kobido Massage will relax the muscles responsible for expression lines while putting them back in tension, stimulating the structures of the face from the skin to the bones, it will boost or boost their cellular activity, and thus prevent their aging, preserving a face full of life.
For any additional information on Kobido Facial Massage on my office in Bordeaux - France, do not hesitate to get back to me on +33 6 66 03 07 44 or via online formula > formulaire en ligne.